We are still under a Boil Water Advisory until further notice.
FOR CUSTOMERS OF BOROUGH OF WALDWICK NJ0264001. ALL customers (residents, business owners) within the Borough of Waldwick are instructed to bring tap water to a rolling boil for one minute and allow cooling before using or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking; preparing foods; mixing baby formula, food, juices or drinks; washing vegetables and fruit; cooking; making ice; brushing teeth; and washing dishes until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.
Borough of Waldwick is providing notification that a water main break has occurred on West Saddle River Road which has caused customers within our service area to be without water or experience a significant loss of pressure. A potential or actual threat to the quality of water being provided to you currently exists. As a precaution, we are implementing a system wide Boil Water Advisory until testing of the water supply is deemed satisfactory.
We have a limited supply of bottled water available behind the Police Department, 15 E. Prospect. Each person will be limited to 6 bottles of water for right now. Please only use if absolutely necessary. We would like to thank our CERT members for their help distributing the water.
The following steps are also recommended:
Please continue to boil your water or use bottled water until you are notified that the water quality is satisfactory. This advisory will remain in effect until repairs are completed and testing shows the water quality to be safe.
Updates will also be posted at www.waldwicknj.gov